Do the samba, do the cha-cha, do the lambada; cause it's once again college football time! To keep you all great Cornhusker's fan in Malaysia up to date on how our beloved football team do, I will be posting the score of all the games that we play in with a little summary of the game. This week game played on 9/4/99:-Nebraska vs Iowa
Took a while for the Big Red machine to put points on the board. The first. Huskers score came about 2 minutes before the end of the 2nd quarter. Nebraska scored on the first 3 possessions of the 2nd half. Iowa only score came on a blocked punt about 2 minutes before the end of the game.ESPN/Coaches Poll AP PollNebraska ranking this week:
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Contribute By : Steve Chong from Lincoln,Nebraska
Last Update : 24 Sep 1999
Update By : SA